البحوث المنشوره

للدكتور عبد الرزاق العيسى

البحوث المنشوره باللغه الانكليزيه

  1. .Reactions and properties of some Trimethylene – Platinum (IV) complexes. The Kinetics and Mechanism of formation from  Arylcyclopropanes .J. crganometal. Chem. 150 (1978) 265
  2. lsomerisation in  the Chemistry of platinacycobutanc Complexes. J. organometal.  Chem. 177 (1978) C402
  3. Reactions and properties of some trimethyleneplatinum (IV) complexes . The Skeletal lsomerisation of platinacyclobutanes and lt’s Relevance to the Mechanism of   Olefin metathesis. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 101(1979) 364
  4. The mechanism of isomerisation of platinacyclobutanes‏.. Chime Acta . 34 (1979) l187
  5. -Mechanisms of formation of Alkene or Ylide Complexes form platinacyclobutanes. J Chem. Soc Chem. . Com ..27 (1980) 207
  6. Reactions and properties of some trimethyleneplatinum (IV) complexes. 9. Chemistry of platinacyclobutanes derived from 1, 2-disubstituted cyclopropanes‏., RJ Puddephatt, PJ Thompson, CFH Tipper‏. Journal of the American Chemical Society 102 (25), 7546-7553 .(1980).
  7. Reactivity and mechanism in the reactions of platinacyclobutanes to give alkene or ylide complexes: evidence for. alpha.-elimination‏ , SSM Ling, RJ Puddephatt‏.Organometallics 6 (5), 951-959, 1987‏ (1987).
  8. Reactions and properties of some trimethyleneplatinum (IV) complexes. Part 11. Platinacyclobutanes derived from methylcyclopropane‏ , RJ Puddephatt, DCL Perkins, MC Rendle, CFH Tipper‏. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1738-1745 (1981), 1981‏
  9. -Serum total  lipids and cholesterol in Iraqi individuals of Kufa. Iraqi Medical J.Vol.29.30 (1982) 16
  10. -Amylase activity in maternal serum  aminitic fluid during  labour. Iraqi medical J. Vol. 31(1983) 58.-
  11. -Serum Uric levels of different stages of pregnancy. J. of medical college University of Baghdad vol. 2 (1983) 25.
  12. -Electrophoretic study of serum proteins in women using oral contraceptives. Iraqi med . J. vol. 37. (1988) 2.
  13. -lung function in a southern Iraqi district. Iraqi  med . J. vol. 31(1983) 26.-
  14. -Dietary intake ,T total lipid, Cholesterol and uric acid Concentrations in healthy Iraqi sunjects. J. of the faculty of medicine Baghdad vol . 31(1) (1989) 63.
  15. -Production of Glucoamylase by  a spergillus species is from soil J. Boil . Sc. Res Vol . 20(1) (1989) 95.
  16. -A study of the  Reference value of three blood constituents among a group of Iraqi individuals from Najaf  province in the press.
  17. -Physica & Chemical properties of the drinking water in Kufa in the press.-
  18. –  The effect of some social and biological factors on the Values of serum Glucose, Cholesterol and Uric acid J. of the faculty of medicine Baghdad


البحوث المنشوره باللغه العربيه

  1. دراسة  خصائص سكان مدينة النجف للمدة 1987-2010 ،مجلة البحوث الجغرافية العدد16، 20139 –
  2. تحديد  الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية لمياه الشرب في محافظة بابل ، مجلة جامعة الكوفة،200610-
  3. تقييم بعض الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية لمياه الشرب في محافظة الديوانية،مجلة جامعة بابل،199911 –
  4. تحديد الصفات الفيزيائية والكيميائية لمياه الانهار في منطقة الفرات الاوسط،مجلة كلية التربية،جامعة الموصل،199012-